Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Ideas and Inspiration - What Do You Think?

What are your plans for the coming year? I have been thinking about this a lot over the last few weeks; wondering how I can serve in a deeper, more meaningful way.

I also ask myself on a daily basis, "How can I offer more laughter, more joy and greater peace to those around me?"

Here are some ideas that have been playing in my mind as I meditate and journal. I would love your feedback. Send me a message on facebook or email - or let me know your thoughts at your next appointment.

I would like to offer a Client Membership which would include weekly appointments, monthly circles, product, program and book discounts, as well as few extra goodies and inspirational ideas.

The monthly circle will be back and can be incorporated as part of the membership or you can choose to just attend the circle. This will be open to anyone over the age of 18 or over the age of 15 if accompanied by a parent or other adult designated by a parent. This gathering will be directed by the attendees, but will include meditation, life discussions, laughter and inspiration.

Home Parties will be offered with free treatments or reading for the host(ess) - you gather the people, set the theme and I will provide the services. See my Course and Events tab for more info.

I am also working on ideas for those of you at a distance. It is my desire to bring us all closer together but the details are still in the planning stages. If you have suggestions, please help me out.

There are many predictions for 2012, and it is my belief that it time to gather together as community, and to choose what we wish to be in the world.

Your ideas and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Post your comments here, send me an email, post on facebook or give me a call.

Wishing for All - A Year of Love, Peace, Joy, Health and Prosperity