We always have reasons for not taking care of ourselves. We tell ourselves we are too busy taking care of others, we can't get time off during service provider hours, it is too expensive, or it might not work anyway. There is always fear at the base of our reasons. One fear may be that you do not understand how energy medicine works. Another fear is what if the treatment makes my condition worse. I have heard many clients express these fears, after they have taken the courage to try a couple of sessions. Their biggest wish thereafter is that they had tried it sooner.
Consider these options - If you take care of yourself, you are of greater value to your family, your boss, your friends, and more importantly yourself. Find a service provider who offers appointments during flexible hours - your lunch hour, on the weekends, or evenings. There are many who do fit your schedule. What value to you give your life? The money spent will come back to in more energy, less pain, greater joy and peace. You are worth feeling and being the best you can be.
The following services are available for distance and local clients, with appointments available afternoons, evenings and week-ends.
Support in setting goals, working through belief systems, understanding mind/emotion integration to create the life you choose, building affirmations that work toward your desires, understanding and living a spirit filled life. Healing yourself through a process designed to create well-being in all areas of your life. These sessions bring you to your own truth, rather than setting your course on the beliefs of others.
Forgiveness Program
Are you ready to let go of old beliefs that keep you angry and resentful?
Are you willing to stop running the old programs that keep you guilty?
Are you tired of feeling ill?
Are you tired of being a victim?
Are you willing to be ready to move forward in joy, peace and love?
This 3 month program offers you the tools and guidance to rewrite your story.
If you are even just a little bit ready to let go of the anger, hurt, resentment, negative self-talk, vindictive behaviors, old paradigms that keep you stuck this will be the best 3 months of your life.
You can live a life of joy. You deserve peace.
Forgiveness is the first step in healing all parts of your life.
- Find better relationships,
- Increase your finances doing work you love,
- Let go of chronic pain,
- Heal your body
Email me today with "Free Discover Forgiveness Session" in the subject line
In the message offer a brief history and what you hope to accomplish through this three month session. Once I have reviewed your email I will send you a form to fill out and set up a time for a free session, to see if this program is what you are looking for and ready to begin.
Sending this email will be your first step in beginning the healing process. I look forward to hearing from you.
Request free distance reiki by emailing jmelville@live.ca- Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings I sit with my list of requests and send reiki in a group session. This is a general healing of about 15 minutes per evening.
If you prefer sessions focused solely on you and your condition or circumstance, simply email me with your request, what the focus will be and I will set up an appointment time for you.
Local Services
Make appointments through email or call 780 560 0164
Payments can be made by cash, e-transfer or through paypal (will set this up for you at your request)
Reiki In Person or Distance
Chakra Balancing in Person or Distance
Hot Stone Massage
Aromatherapy Head and Scalp Massage
Emerging Possibilities - Work with me step by step to achieve your goals and dreams. Offered in a one-on-one setting or an 8 week in person class.
Forgiveness - Just can't let go? I will work with you one on one or offer a weekend workshop designed to break free of past pain and grief, allowing you to live fully and in the present moment.
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