Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Teleseminar Dates

Is Your Mind Telling You The Truth?

8 Week Teleconference

Starts October 14th

Sunday Mornings 11:00- 12:30

Spend 8 weeks with me from the comfort of your home.
Experience a shift in your relationships, from health to finances.
Get in touch with the energy centers of your body (Chakras) and use this power to bring positive change into your life. Know what is like to be happy without reliance on external sources.

1 group call per week
2 individual calls during the 8 weeks
email Q and A during the week
The Workbook "Is Your Mind Telling You the Truth?"

Regular Price $795.00
Register by September 15th and save $300 - Pay only $495.00
Register between September 15th and 30th  - $695.00

Already purchased the workbook? Ask for an additional $20 discount.

Email for more details and to register.

Payment will be through paypal where you can securely use your credit card
or debit your bank account. Money Orders also accepted.

More information can be found under the Courses and Events Tab.