Thursday, December 24, 2015

Reiki - Creating Sacred Healing Space

Image Credit: www.

       Calling the Directions for Healing or Sacred Space

Once you have taken a moment to ground and center, focus your attention and intention to the idea of creating a healing sacred space for yourself and/or clients

Draw the double Cho Ku Rei doorway (if you are Reiki attuned) facing the East direction - the place of beginnings, illumination, vision and being in the moment.

Say and feel the following (or create your own invocation):

I invite the healing energy of the east to be present here, bringing with it the ability to let go of hindering beliefs, the fire of passion and illumination. Thank you for being present in this space for the highest good of all who enter here.

Turn to the South, draw Cho Ku Rei and say the following, feeling the energy flow into your being:

I invite the energy of the south to be present here, bringing with it strength of emotions, trust and vulnerability that I may share my truth with integrity. May I be filled with playfulness and the inquisitiveness of a child, to honor new teachings and information given here. Thank you for being present for the highest good of all who enter here.

Turn to the West, draw Cho Ku Rei and say the following, with feeling and intent:

I invite the healing energy of the west to be present here, bringing with it the willingness to surrender, to let go of limiting perceptions of the world. I give thanks for the setting sun, consuming any old patterns and addictions, allowing me to create healing in this space.

Turn to the North, draw the Cho Ku Rei and say the following with conviction and resolution:

I invite the energy of the North to be present here, bringing with it earth's healing energy, the wisdom of maturity, allowing me to reflect and to know what is for the highest good of those who enter here. Thank you for infusing all who enter with the desire to change what no longer serves, to feel safe and protected as they allow healing to occur for their highest good.

When the day is over close this space by thanking each of the directions and releasing them. Then energy created will be cleared and swept away so in the morning as you call it in again, it will be fresh and new, as each day should be.

Using this technique daily will bring a new perspective and strength to your healing, whether it is for you or clients. Those without Reiki Training can simply feel into the words without the symbols and create beautiful sacred space in their home, on their property, at the work place, anywhere they choose to create sacred healing space.

May you know the Blessing you are in this world.