Monday, July 2, 2018

Be Courageous Be Brave

It looks like July could be a rough month for those not prepared to face their fears. Prepare by giving yourself some love. Tune into your passion and follow your heart. For the courageous, and I believe your one of the brave, this month will be a time of clearing out, cleaning up, and amazing success. With that in mind I offer this self-blessing ritual, to help you stay on track this month.

One of my Favorite Self-Care Rituals
I began the following ritual about 20 years ago and it has remained something I do on a regular basis to honor myself, my body and connection with Spirit. It is based on a ritual from The Shadow of the Shaman, by Amber Wolfe.

Though I often do this at the New Moon or Full Moon, it is fine to perform this ceremony at any time you wish to tune into what your body is asking of you, or simply as an “I love you” moment with yourself.

Incorporate the Earth Mother into this ceremony, or change it to your own preference of goddess, archangel, self-identity, religious deity…….. whatever is comfortable and loving for you.
I also sense the elements but that is not a requirement to offer self-love to your being.
The candle represents the fire within, the passion for life and love, and protection.
The incense represents air, creativity, spirituality and inspiration.
The salt represents earth, knowledge, wisdom, practicality and grounding.
The water represents emotions, ability to flow with life, intuition and healing balance.
You will need a candle, a bowl of water, a small amount of salt and incense if you have it. You may add gemstones, crystals, feathers or anything else that is comforting to you.
Put on some quiet music, if this helps you to relax or perform this outside at a fire pit.
Sit on the floor or ground, place the bowl of water and salt in front of you. Light the candle and incense, and begin to simply relax and breathe.
When you are ready mix the salt into the bowl of water, feeling that your emotional body is grounding with the Earth. Once the solution is mixed begin the following
Dip your fingers into the bowl, and touch your forehead (3rd eye area) and repeat “Bless me Mother for I am your child” Feel the love our Earth Mother moving deeply within you.
Dip your fingers into the bowl and dab around your eyes (careful not to get salt in your eyes) Say “Bless my eyes that I may see you”.  I like to think about how I am seeing myself as I do this.
Dip your fingers, touch your nose, and repeat “May your essence be absorbed and shared in my breathing, and may my breath be a blessing in this world.”
Dip your fingers again, touch your ears and say “May I be blessed with the sound of laughter, love, and wisdom.”
Dip your fingers again and touch your mouth, saying “May I bless the world with my communication.”
Dip your fingers again and touch your heart, saying “May I be blessed with love and may my love be unconditional towards all living things.”
Dip your fingers again and touch your Solar Plexus, repeating, “May I be blessed with inner power and intuition.”
Dip your fingers again and touch your lower abdomen, saying “Bless my cauldron center, that I may create harmony in this world.”
Dip again and touch your feet, saying “Bless my feet that I may walk softly on this earth, taking a firm stand when required and always walking in balance.”
Dip again and rub your hands together, saying “Bless my hands that they may touch the world with grace and healing; that I am able to reach out to the world and hold the hands of others.”
Now sit quietly for as long as you like, sending love into any areas of your body you feel need more love, asking your body what it needs from you to be happy and healthy.
When you are complete, blow out the candle, and clear the space. You may keep the salt water and use it in a bath or as a daily ceremony, dipping and touching any part of your body that would like a blessing.
If you choose to dispose of the water/salt mixture, return it to the earth in a way the salt will not kill any plants in the area.
Many Blessings to all.