Saturday, October 27, 2012

Right Now, In This Moment

Right now, in this moment I am safe. Right now, in this moment there is nothing I need. Right now, in this moment all is welll in my world. Right now, in this moment I can choose peace. Right now, in this moment I can choose to see beauty surrounding me. Right now, in this moment I can choose happiness.

I use this or a similar set of thoughts anytime I am feeling overwhelmed, worried or anxious about the future. I felt the need to share this with you today. There is so much overwhelm and anxiety in the world today. But if we remind ourselves that our thoughts are our own creation, and our thoughts create our reality, then we can also be reminded to shift our thoughts and see something different. When we see the world differently, our reality is also shifted.

As you are thinking or speaking the phrases above, let your focus go to your heart. Take a few deep breaths and feel the relaxation in your chest, then allow a sense of peace to move through your entire body.

When I began this practice several years ago, I found myself constantly repeating the phrases almost moment by moment. Now (when I remember) when I find myself worried, scared, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated or just plain worn out, I can bring a sense of harmony within a few minutes of breathing and repetition.

This idea can be used to move through pain - both physical and emotional. Take a few moments when you find you are carrying anger or resentment. Change the wording to suit your emotional state. Practiced daily you will begin to notice more beauty, abundance, joy and peace surrounding you. Physical symptoms will lessen in intensity. You will find yourself thinking more positive thoughts and have fewer judgments of others.

This treatment may not create the perfect life, but it will ease your mind allowing you to coast through rough and rocky times. Have fun with it, looking for moments when you can take a breath and see life differently. Used with humor, it allows you to laugh and the vibration of laughter shifts the vibration of your environment, bringing more joy into the situation.

Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope you will apply the treatment to your life. Leave comments about how this works for you and share this idea with others.

Just for today I choose peace, rather than what I see in the world.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

What are the Possibilities?

As I look outside at the newly fallen snow, I wonder .... What are the possibilities? It seems winter has come early, yet I remember saying those same words every year for how many years?

We moved to Rainbow Lake 22 years ago (Oct 31st) and I think of the banks of snow leading into our trailer as we moved our furniture in while giving out bags of Cheezies and Chocolate Bars. We had left Saskatchewan a week early, with the geese flying overhead, tumbleweed and dust blowing across the highway and thinking how warm it was for a late fall day. A few hours later we were concerned our plants in the moving van would freeze overnight and by morning the snow had started to fall. The drive from Edmonton to High Level the following day was strange, going from sunshine to snow storm and back to sunshine. By the time we hit Peace River it was getting dark and snow was falling, and yet I remember the beauty of fall colored leaves still on the trees. That winter I was amazed at the number of really warm days, as chinook winds melted the high banks of snow, as if to make room for more.

So today as I look back over the years I ask, "Has winter come early, or is it that I am just not ready to give up the beauty of summer for a snow shovel and mittens?" As I tried to shovel the snow from the deck and clear the snow from my car, I took a moment to look up and feel the cool flakes on my face. Mmmm... It felt so fresh, so clean and crisp. The fallen snow glistening from the street lights brought a sense of peace. I remembered that winter is the season of planning; a time of reviewing the past year and bringing together creative ideas to be sown in the spring.

I started the car, came back in the house surrendering the driveway to the snow still falling and blowing itself into whatever openings it finds. I surrender to the beauty of winter. I surrender and accept.

So what are the possibilities? What will be the blessings winter brings? What new and creative ideas will fill my mind and soul, where once my mind was on the blossoming flowers and overgrown grass? I give thanks for the changing seasons, each filled with pleasure and seeming pain, each offering it's own unique exercise program. I am filled with anticipation of the sun shining on the banks of white, filling my yard with diamonds and crystals shimmering and gleaming in it's reflection, reminding me of the great abundance of the Universe.

And Christmas, a time of peace, joy and goodwill. Yes, I am ready for winter and delight in the many possible adventures and events that come with the season. What are the possibilities?