Sunday, July 10, 2016

Beyond & Before Reiki Master

I invite you to look beyond even energy. Look to the place which is only Light. Light in all the colors of the spectrum, yet even brighter than you can imagine. Look beyond the sights and sounds of this physical world, to a place where all you  hear is the beating heart of the Universe. Feel the heart beat within you, strong, in unison with all living things, all inanimate things.

I invite you to feel into trees, rocks, homes, vehicles, ornaments, pictures, and even digital equipment. See beyond their physical appearance. Feel their light. Notice the differences in the shades of light.

Even if you have never been attuned to Reiki, you have the ability within you to see and feel, to process and communicate within this deeper world of understanding.

Even if you have been attuned, to Level I, II, or Master, you may not fully use your supported ability to go beyond what you see on the physical level.

For many Reiki is a healing modality, nothing more. Yet Reiki was never meant to be a mere healing modality. There is a reason, initiates spent a lifetime, studying, practicing and experiencing the laws of Reiki prior to becoming a Master. To fully embrace Reiki, you must be prepared to do the work of self love and forgiveness. You must condition yourself to see beyond what is before your physical eyes, your human heart and mind. To fully embrace the joy and expansion, you must be willing to let go of all of your humanhood - "to be in this world but not of it".

After nearly 20 years of practice, I find myself, still in awe of this total surrender, of which I am still practicing. As with A Course in Miracles, I believe we will always be students of the Course. Each day will bring new challenges to overcome, new ideas to support us in moving through the challenges. Through time, we continue to unravel the threads of our physical lives, as we move closer to the Light, closer to peace.

When we no longer feel the need to petition for our good, but accept everything as good, then we know we are reaching the place of Master. As we begin to see each moment as precious, never resentful of the past, nor worried about the future, we are beginning to trust the Reiki Force in our lives.  It is through surrender we heal. In order to be able to fully heal others, we must fully heal ourselves. This is the only way to be a clear, unhampered conduit of Reiki energy.

When we repress and carry our shadows, doubts and fears, there is transference between us and those we are healing. They can only heal to the extent of the healer doing the treatments. As Reiki initiates, we must never fool ourselves about our true feelings and beliefs.

Does this mean you should not offer treatment to others? Absolutely not. It merely asks you to be aware of where you are in your life and in the moment of treatment surrender all to the All. Do not let your ego enter in.

And just as those who have been trained in Reiki heal from their place of imperfection, so too can those who have not had training, offer healing to the world, to friends, family, animate and inanimate objects.

The study of Reiki does not end the day you become Master. It does not end the day your first client, friend, plant or pet is healed. Reiki is a lifetime, lifestyle study of Light and Love. To study and never become attuned, gives the initiate the same insight and opportunity to live from a place of Divine Surrender and Intervention. The symbols are additional support. The certificate is validation of your commitment. That is all.

I have become saddened by the fact, Reiki can be taken online, attunements done through distance without interaction with the Master who offers them. I find discomfort in seeing the almost snobbish attitude of those who have been attuned. A true Reiki Master or Initiate would never see themselves on a higher plane than others.

To carry the responsibility of Reiki is humbling. It is through this humility we allow ourselves to know nothing, so we can open to the unlimited possibilities which exist. These possibilities can only be shown to those who are willing to release, forgive, surrender, putting Love first, knowing they are yet servants to the Light which created them.

When we stand in this place of humble light, miracles occur. We become the co-creator.

As a servant to this Light, and in service to Reiki, a class is being created, to be offered over a 3 month period where those who have been attuned and those who may choose to be at some point, can learn the true value and meaning of living a Reiki lifestyle.
If this would interest you, please contact me at

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