Monday, December 16, 2013

End of Year Nostalgia and Rambling

These past few weeks I have been putting together everything I have learned about energy over the past 20 years. Energy is all we are, yet in our resistance to the natural flow we create obstacles, disruptions, irritations and find ourselves battling within. Though I have practiced and taught heart mind body integration for a few years, the clarity of it all has suddenly become ever more apparent.

You have heard me speak of emotions vs feelings, illness vs disease, allowing vs acceptance. All of the similarities and opposites come as a result of allowing natural flow according to who we are deep at the core of our being. The flip side is also true, these similarities and opposites occur when we resist our highest good, believing we know everything there is to know about who we truly are. Through meditation and a growing understanding of energy, meridians, neurovascular points, and in becoming clearer about the way energy flows through us or stagnates has created many aha moments.

The ending of a year always puts me into a state of nostalgia. What have I accomplished? What could I have done better? How will I use my time in the coming year to make improvements? Part of this questioning has led me to two wonderful teachers. All of a sudden, what I have studied, learned and practiced makes so much sense, in terms of healing, living, creating. It was always there. I could see each individual gift, but the package of it all eluded me. Isn't that true with every area of life? All we desire is right in front of us, but we need to clear energy, and stagnant beliefs in order to see the larger gift within each small moment of time.

Have you ever felt stuck, or believed that what was happening in your life was fate, or God's Will, yet at the same time deep within, knew it was time for you to shift?  Not wanting to interfere with Higher Power, you stay in acceptance, not unhappy, but perhaps feeling guilty for not stepping up for what you believe to be true for your life? Not sure guilt is the right word, it may be a sense of unworthiness. Whatever the underlying emotion, you stay the course, while wondering what is missing.....

Who would believe that a few simple exercises done in minutes a day could change your perceptions of the world, all while increasing your health? And I have to say, none of the energy stimulation done, requires muscle, brawn or sweat. It is not that any of this was new to me, it was just a matter of making a decision to actually take the 10 - 15 minutes to run the routine. Why is it even when we know something will enhance our lives immensely, we find so many excuses not to take the steps? With all I thought I knew about energy, I realize I have not been optimizing mine. So to begin again, clear my mind of what I believe to be true and allow even more truth to whisper in, and settle wherever energy has closed off my ability to see the infinite possibilities of life.

I can't wait to get this all put together in a deliverable package, to share with you. The New Year will welcome additional strength to the healing modalities I now offer, and I will be updating Chakra Classes, Meditation, and Color workshops. I am excited, not just for expanding my sense of wellness, but to be able to assist others in living their best life.

The greatest "aha" is knowing that in being true to ourselves, we do not need to manipulate energy, to have the health and happiness we long for. In our truth we become the catalyst for our greatest desires. Time slows down, energy lifts, pain disappears, to the extent we are willing to allow the natural flow of energy to propel us. When we stop resisting and begin allowing everything falls quietly into place.

When I wrote "Don't Change For Heaven's Sake", I had a sense releasing and getting back to the basics of clean living was important. It is the first step in the process. The practices done daily, with awareness will lead to alignment with your energy pattern. Now is the time to see where the pattern is being challenged, restricted, eluded, and make the shifts to enhance rather than discourage, what the body needs to help the mind and heart align with "All that Is".

Over the past year I have been writing a new book, asking each of us if we can take responsibility for our creation. Can we step up to our purpose in being alive at this time? Perhaps the questions have led me to these wonderful gentle answers. Writing has once again become easy. Life has more meaning and as I begin to feel the difference in me, I long to share it with the world. Being true to yourself is so much more than just being in acceptance of who you are, but to be aware of how you could allow yourself to be happier, healthier, more abundant, more loving, more forgiving.

Do you make it a practice to review the previous year and set goals for the coming year? Do you take time to write your experiences out, rambling through the good, bad and indifferent? Can you use what you have learned to this point, to create an even better year to come?

Now is the time of year to clear the past, set intentions for the future, and give thanks for what has been and will be. Not sure how to do that? I would love to help.

Many Blessings to All of You!

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